The famed astrophysicist Dr. Stephen Hawking said he believes there are alien beings in the universe and that we better not interact with them. I agree with him 100% because I have already encountered them. They work at places like Nordstrom, Burger King and the Department of Motor Vehicles. They are disguised as employees. You can tell they are not from this planet because when you talk to them, their eyes begin to glaze over, they start to mumble, and then they just stare at you. At first I thought they were bad employees but after many similar encounters I began to sense something darker. You have to repeat everything 3 times and they still can't get your request right. The car registration doesn't get done, the Whopper with cheese becomes the Big Fish Sandwich, and they can't tell if the price is 1.89 or 18.99 and rather than use common sense and make a decision they have to "call someone". I've asked them to just make a decision but in the reptilian universe one does not go against a superior snake. You must get authorization.
C'mon haven't you left a store recently shaking your head thinking.....what just happened? How hard could it be to know if you have more in the back? And just because they didn't go reptilian on you right there in the store, you must know they have the power to suck gray cells out of your head. Many times I have left a store or food place and thought working with that "employee" (yeah right) has left me dumber than when I went in. How about you? Think it's a coincidence? Maybe, but running into idiot/employees working in stores happens way too often for mere "coincidence".
One time and you'll have to take this on faith, I was trying to explain to one of these alien/employees in Sears that I was just returning a pair of jeans to get a different size. He kept hissing at me; he thought I was trying to get another pair for free. No amount of showing him my receipt or trying to explain to him that I wasn't trying to get a free pair of jeans worked. During this all too close encounter of the third kind; I did notice something very suspicious.While I was trying for the fourth time to explain things to him; I noticed he kept looking over my shoulder at something in the corner and then began to drool. I looked over my shoulder and thought I saw a rodent. He had to have been from another world. He was acting dumb, having a hissy fit, drooling and staring into space. Mississippi is the only place I know of where that could even be sort of normal.
Well, Dr. Hawking I applaud you for your bold announcement and I stand ready at the forefront of science to lend my evidence to your claim that there are aliens in the universe and we all should stay away from them. My suggestion: Try the Army-Navy Surplus Store, the workers (there) are barely sensate but there are rodents everywhere so I don't think they are aliens.
Thank you for reading!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
"No Problemo"
Well many people, mostly hispanics have their pants in a bunch over Arizona's new law enabling law enforcement officers to ask for proof of citizenship from any person if they have reason to believe the person might not be a citizen. Of course it's mostly hispanics and bleeding heart liberals that don't live in the southwest, that are screaming "racial profiling", "harassment", "civil rights violation" and so forth. What's really being said is:We don't want law enforcement officers in Arizona to stop, check and potentially deport illegals. Of course you don't!
1. It's not racial profiling unless you are willing to believe that the vast majority of the 20 + million illegals in America are from Sweden, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, South Africa and Egypt. Anyone with any clue knows that the vast, vast majority of illegal people in this country are hispanic. Most of those illegal hispanics are in New Mexico and Arizona. If you are asking someone for their id in those 2 states chances are great it's going to be an hispanic. It's not racial profiling, it's logic. Racial profiling would be if a black man is walking down Rodeo Drive in Bev. Hills and a cop thinks: there shouldn't be black people over in this part of town so I better stop him. Stopping a group of hispanics standing on or near a street corner in Winslow, Arizona for id to prove they are here legally is not racial profiling.
2. Violation of civil rights....uh...NO. Look, if I am walking down an alley at 1am and a cop stops me and asks for ID and wants to know what I am doing there, they are doing their job not harassing me. Besides, if you aren't supposed to be in the country and you are, what civil rights do you have? Don't confuse "being nice" with enforcing the law.
3. Harassment? Even a Harvard professor was asked for his ID on his porch. Harassment is going out of your way to bother someone especially if you know they aren't breaking the law. A large percentage of hispanics living in Arizona are there illegally so asking one for proof of citizenship is reasonable. Hey, don't be offended, just show them your driver's license or ID card and be on your way.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer said they would have policies in place to avoid profiling and / or harassing anyone. Let's see what they do. Let's see how many legal citizens get stopped vs. the number of illegals stopped.
As Governor Brewer stated, Arizona is a preferred border ( to sneak over) by illegally entering "persons. Arizona has patiently waited for the Federal Government to do something about it. Where has Senator McCain been the last 15 years? Why hasn't he demanded laws to protect his own state? The Government has done nothing to help Arizona and so Arizona has the right to protect itself. My question is this: Would all the people upset over this Arizona law, be just as upset if the illegals in Arizona decided to leave the state and move into your city and county?
Finally, the impact of illegal entry on Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas cannot be understated. Easy for people in say Maine or North Dakota to cry foul but the sheer cost of having millions of illegals in these states is crushing them.
Still think it's "unfair" to ask suspected illegals to prove they are American Citizens? Try sneaking over the border in North Korea and see what happens; try loading up 15-20 americans into a van and running roadblocks to get into China and see what happens. What do you think would happen if you rowed ashore in Cuba and asked for assistance? Other countries simply don't tolerate illegals causing any problems of any kind. But the politically correct, bleeding heart, do-gooder America looks the other way even when they know it's a major issue that needs and has needed addressing for so long. America it's time to stop being the world's babysitter and make many of these countries grow up and take care of their own. I applaud Governor Brewer and the Arizona legislature for passing this law even if the mostly politically correct myopics say otherwise.
1. It's not racial profiling unless you are willing to believe that the vast majority of the 20 + million illegals in America are from Sweden, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, South Africa and Egypt. Anyone with any clue knows that the vast, vast majority of illegal people in this country are hispanic. Most of those illegal hispanics are in New Mexico and Arizona. If you are asking someone for their id in those 2 states chances are great it's going to be an hispanic. It's not racial profiling, it's logic. Racial profiling would be if a black man is walking down Rodeo Drive in Bev. Hills and a cop thinks: there shouldn't be black people over in this part of town so I better stop him. Stopping a group of hispanics standing on or near a street corner in Winslow, Arizona for id to prove they are here legally is not racial profiling.
2. Violation of civil rights....uh...NO. Look, if I am walking down an alley at 1am and a cop stops me and asks for ID and wants to know what I am doing there, they are doing their job not harassing me. Besides, if you aren't supposed to be in the country and you are, what civil rights do you have? Don't confuse "being nice" with enforcing the law.
3. Harassment? Even a Harvard professor was asked for his ID on his porch. Harassment is going out of your way to bother someone especially if you know they aren't breaking the law. A large percentage of hispanics living in Arizona are there illegally so asking one for proof of citizenship is reasonable. Hey, don't be offended, just show them your driver's license or ID card and be on your way.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer said they would have policies in place to avoid profiling and / or harassing anyone. Let's see what they do. Let's see how many legal citizens get stopped vs. the number of illegals stopped.
As Governor Brewer stated, Arizona is a preferred border ( to sneak over) by illegally entering "persons. Arizona has patiently waited for the Federal Government to do something about it. Where has Senator McCain been the last 15 years? Why hasn't he demanded laws to protect his own state? The Government has done nothing to help Arizona and so Arizona has the right to protect itself. My question is this: Would all the people upset over this Arizona law, be just as upset if the illegals in Arizona decided to leave the state and move into your city and county?
Finally, the impact of illegal entry on Arizona, California, New Mexico, and Texas cannot be understated. Easy for people in say Maine or North Dakota to cry foul but the sheer cost of having millions of illegals in these states is crushing them.
Still think it's "unfair" to ask suspected illegals to prove they are American Citizens? Try sneaking over the border in North Korea and see what happens; try loading up 15-20 americans into a van and running roadblocks to get into China and see what happens. What do you think would happen if you rowed ashore in Cuba and asked for assistance? Other countries simply don't tolerate illegals causing any problems of any kind. But the politically correct, bleeding heart, do-gooder America looks the other way even when they know it's a major issue that needs and has needed addressing for so long. America it's time to stop being the world's babysitter and make many of these countries grow up and take care of their own. I applaud Governor Brewer and the Arizona legislature for passing this law even if the mostly politically correct myopics say otherwise.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
"Stop being a Missionary"

So Capistrano, Ca. teachers walked the picket line today because the District Office unilaterally decided to impose a 10% pay cut on their teachers and they made it permanent. Meaning: they won't get it back even if California's economic outlook brightens. Every other district in California (including my own) has language in the contract that says salaries are reinstated when more money becomes available. ** By the way that is also not likely to happen. Once teachers show the district they are capable of doing a good job and for less money why would the district give money back? Out of the kindness of their hearts? Because it's the right thing to do? District Offices and school boards don't do things like that. Trust me most of them do not do things like that. The Capistrano district essentially said F.U. to the teacher union and just did what they wanted. Teachers in San Juan Capistrano didn't teach today and they shouldn't until the language is changed in the contract so that they get their salaries back when more money is available.
In Florida the legislature voted in a bill to end all teacher tenure. Only in Florida!
In Poway Unified (San Diego) the district and the union showed they are still sleeping together by combining to offer their teachers a 2 year contract with a 2.3 % pay cut each year after an already imposed 2.7% pay cut this year. If ratified ( a certainty since younger teachers are sheep and don't have a clue about union business) the teachers in Poway will have done this to themselves:
1. 7% pay cuts over 3 years
2. Larger class sizes (up to 45 per classroom)
3. Less clerical and janitorial support (currently barely visible as it is)
I don't want to hear one more person saying , "well, it's hard times economically, we're in a recession" so teachers have to make concessions. Let me make it clear to the half blind and half duped. There is plenty of money in the State coffers. Taxpayers pay more taxes in California than any other state. Is there as much money as say 5 years ago....of course not but there is funding in Sacramento.
The issue is the fact that State legislators CHOOSE TO NOT GIVE ENOUGH MONEY TO EDUCATION.
If learning / education were really the high priority everyone says it is in this state, money would be made available and some other program would have to get less. Education is the first program to lose money in hard times away and the last one to get money back? Here's why:
1. The perception is that schools (teachers) are failing students and that is why Jose can't read and doesn't have a work ethic.
2. Teachers have demonstrated over and over again a willingness to work for less, buy their own supplies, take on more and more students, and devalue themselves at every twist and turn.
3. Teachers keep doing good jobs despite getting treated like shit, hence many districts test scores don't drop even in crappy economic times. We sort of pride ourselves on maintaining quality with less. So, educators get less.
Teachers needed to (many years ago and now) say: we won't accept bad work conditions, we won't take less money, we won't be treated like cheap skanks on a Friday night. What if all state teachers walked off and said we'll come back when you fund education properly? Tax-paying parents would freak out, and it would only take about a few weeks to see major changes in how education is funded in this state. Teachers have a lot of power, and they act like they have none.
As long as teachers see themselves as missionaries and are willing to take less over and over again because they are "sacrificing" for the children; we will see aggressive District Offices trying to subjugate teachers entirely. Teachers love believing they are do gooders in a bad world, motivated not by money but by sacrifice. Only when you have respect for you, your talents and demand respect from others will you get it.
Thus it Begins
Thus begins "The Bailey Post" an attempt at rational discourse in this murky world of complete lies, half-truths, misinformation, yellow journalism, FOX NEWS, Larry King suspenders, Octomom's, Kate Gosselin, Storm Watch 2010, balloon boy, Simon Cowell, other trolls and hairdos! Some say we live in an interesting time, I say the lug nuts are loose on the universal wheels and the wobble is very noticeable. Help me weed out the stupid, the vapid, and downright insane stuff that passes for information these days. Rational people have a right to express ideas too!
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