I knew it was going to be rough
when I woke up at 8:00 and it was already 86 degrees outside. My studio apartment
does not do well in heat. The heat gets trap inside because I have no cross
ventilation so AC is a must in summer. My AC went on the fritz yesterday so
last night I slept in front of a fan in 70% humidity. I squeezed out 3 ½
hours of sleep.
So there I was headed down to the Starbucks on 75th St.
at 8:30 and it was stifling hot already. On the way (and half asleep) I passed
a guy sitting on the ground with what I thought was his hat to take in
donations. I carry dollar bills for this and reached in a got a dollar and
dropped it into his hat. I walk away from him about 5 feet when the guy says
what the F--- did you do that for? Turns out he’s with Con Ed and it was his
hard hat I dropped the dollar in. He was just taking a water break. I
apologized but he wouldn’t give me the dollar back. Ai yi yi
At Starbucks the usual morning cave dwellers had already
arrived and had their faces plunged into their technology and were sipping just
one of the many coffees they would have during the day. Their perky, smug,
self-contained exceptional ism really irritated me today as did the two baristas
that had to talk loud, laugh and goof around with each other instead listening
to my order. So I got a caffeine drink
instead of the requested decaf. Twenty minutes later my head started jiggling
like a bobble-head doll.
Finally, Austin arrived looking rested. I said to him, “why
are you so nervous and jumpy today and he said he wasn’t and then I realized it
was me. I was the herky-jerky. We discussed the awful
weather. The real feel temp at 9:15 was 96.
Next we walked to the subway on 77 and Lexington. Some of
the people walking in front of us were slower than molasses. Normally that
wouldn’t bother me but today they did. They wouldn’t just get into one walking
lane and stay there so you could pass them. No, they have to do the
lollygagging weave about, careening right and then left. I just wanted to shout,
“Stand still, don’t move”. “Let me pass and then you can go back to your
aimless walk through life”. It was the geriatric bob and weave.

In really hot humid weather you might as well forget
deodorant. Just forget it. Fifteen minutes in this kind of weather and you are
sweaty from head to toe. So all of us
sweaty, smelly Darwinian survivors were crammed into this small train car. Not
good. It’s like a can of spam that has been sealed so tightly that when you
puncture the can it lets out a whoosh. I tried light banter, a funny line or
two. People gave me the look like they had just seen me put a turd in the punch
bowl, you know that “look”.
Austin, the grizzled veteran of the trains, looked at me and
lightly shook his head no. His way of saying give it up dad. I heeded his sage
advice. I shut up and stood there in silence. I took the smell, heat, sweat,
bumping and repeated recording “stand clear of the closing doors please” like a true
New Yorker.
42nd Street for an appointment became another
test of endurance. Scads of people, all hot and frustrated. After the
appointment we decided to take a bus back uptown. We walked over to Third
Avenue only to be approached by a guy who wanted us to sign up for a
sightseeing tour of the Empire State building. Another wanted us to give them
our credit card numbers so we could begin donating money every month to Gay
Pride causes. They didn’t get my joke:
“I take great pride in not signing
up for causes”. Austin who is as patient as anyone I know was at the breaking
Thank God the bus was well air conditioned and I didn’t want to get off but
at 68th we did. I got a full blast of the departing bus’s exhaust
right in my face. It was in the midst of coughing and with my eyes watering
that I realized I had left my bag on the bus with my two new shirts in it. I
couldn’t help but wonder how the down and outer sitting next to us on the bus
would look in a lavender dress shirt. It wasn’t even noon and I looked like one
of those world cup soccer players after a match.
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